This is all of these images from the early morning at the lake Gudelis Lithuania...
Lake - a natural body of water the land surface recess. According to the composition of lake water is salty and flowers. Most of the lakes of the Earth is a flower. Most lakes are concentrated in areas Pleistocene glaciations (~ 73% of the total area of lakes,north of 40 ° N. Development.Lakes continent - North America (ežeringumas -2.2%). [1].Classification according to the origin of waterhole According to the origin of the pelvic lakes are divided into: Glacial Tectonic Catching Marine Karst Volcanic The meteoric craters Artificial.Ice Lake Most of the land of lakes - young lakes, formed after the last frost. They certainly are of glacial origin. By a more detailed classification of the glacial lakes in the lakes are divided into: ice-bearing luistų rininius evorsinius end moraines hilly moraine landscape glacial It is often impossible to distinguish any subtype of a lake, because the pit formed by several processes. [Edit] Lakes tectonic Tectonic lakes formed before the Ice. This is usually deep, often salty lakes. They are characterized by a linear orientation. This is due to the linear nature of tectonic fractures. A good example of this could be a lake Baikal. Some scientists believe lakes in the area riftinėje over time into oceans.Freshwater Lakes This is a relatively small lake, formed by the river valleys. In the lateral river erosion, the river forming a variety of windings, which are separated in time and becomes the old riverbeds and lakes, and even later. These lakes characteristic horseshoe shape. [Edit] Marine Lakes Marine lakes are usually quite large. Their water is salty. Formed mainly due to tectonic movements of the earth, the sea dry land portion. The largest lakes of this type - the Caspian Sea, Aral Sea, once the Tethys Ocean existed remains. Gradually, in the dry climate, such lakes can completely disappear. Their only large reserves at rock-salt layers. [Edit] Karst Lakes This type of lake formed active karst areas. These lakes are usually small, which is characterized by a round shape. [Edit] Volcanic Lakes Volcanic lakes formed lifeless or temporarily dormant volcanic crater. This is a relatively small lakes. Some of this type of lake water is very acidic, and often more like a sulfuric acid solution than in water. Often, the lake waters warm geothermal energy, and water temperature can be very high. [Edit] the meteoric crater lakes Very similar to volcanic crater lakes of the meteoric (astroblemų) lakes. Their fall meteorites formed bowl. [Edit] Artificial lakes Artificial lakes formed patvenkus River excavation or artificial pools. They are intended for power generation, water supply, as well as fishing, recreation, and various other purposes. [Edit] Classification according to the composition of water According to the composition of mineral water lakes are divided in.